Boat rental

Boat rental with or without a skipper

Easily get the desired boat! Choose a boat from our wide selection that best suits your needs and enjoy a worry-free time on the water.

Our vessels

The widest selection of boats available

Iznajmi camac Najveći izbor plovila 1

We have a variety of boats available for rent, including motorboats, speedboats, catamarans, yachts, and sailboats.

Renting with or without a skipper

Iznajmi camac sa ili bez skipera ikonica 1

Do you already have a valid sailing license issued by the Port Authority? If so, you can rent a boat without a skipper!

Multiple cities on offer

Iznajmi camac poslujemo u više gradova 1

You can rent boats in Belgrade, Novi Sad, Senta, Veliko Gradište, and soon in other cities in Serbia.

Boats available for rent

Our offer consists of a wide selection of boats suitable for various types of celebrations, parties, team-building events, as well as recreational rides. Boat rental is available in multiple cities.

Iznajmljivanje camaca u Beogradu

Boat rental on multiple locations

No matter where you are, we have a boat for every port! Whether you need a recreational boat for enjoying time with friends, a reliable vessel for an unforgettable boat party, or something entirely different for your water adventures, you’re in the right place!

Our website offers an easy and fast boat reservation process, saving you time and money while allowing you to fully enjoy all water activities and fun. Boat rental has never been easier! In just a few clicks, you can find the desired boat without worrying about maintenance costs, marina moorings, and other responsibilities that come with owning your own vessel.

Embark on unforgettable moments on the river with boats from our selection. Boat rental has never been easier!

Our boats

Reviews from our satisfied clients

See how our clients rate our services.

Marc BotteMarc Botte
07:24 10 Jul 24
Milan has been an amazing skipper and great company during those two fabulous hours on sava and danube river. Would totally recommend it. Communication with Milan to arrange everything prior the cruise was also very easy and professional. Thanks again !
Nick DjurovicNick Djurovic
10:45 23 Jun 24
The E Foil that we rented with instructor Darko for 3 hours was great! Foils are top and Darko is one of the best instructors for that and for other sports.
Malawi DouglasMalawi Douglas
19:20 22 Jun 24
We had a great boat trip on the Sava and Danube in the centre of Belgrade.Tamara helped us a lot and even when we had another unrelated matter to deal with at the same time as we were enroute to the cruise she helped us out with that also.We selected the one called ‘Excursion boat’ and that turned out to be a very good choice.The skipper treated us like friends. It felt very much like connecting with a friendly and relaxed local who just wanted to show us his city, from the river.He was very accommodating to our requests and was interesting to talk to about everything ‘Danube River’ or ‘Belgrade’ or about life in general.It didn’t feel like a ‘corporate experience’ - it felt like a personal experience.There were people in our group who initially were extremely doubtful about the idea of going on a boat. But they were completely converted by it and thoroughly enjoyed the experience.We brought our own snacks but the skipper was generous by offering us some of his own drinks.Highly recommended and more than worth it.
Marija RadovanovicMarija Radovanovic
15:13 17 Jun 24
Excellent communication, the skipper is extremely kind and professional.Wonderful experience!
Dunja JankovicDunja Jankovic
08:38 16 Jun 24
The perfect way to spend summer days and enjoy Belgrade from different perspective!Great hospitality, easy and quick communication. I would highly recommend it!
Irina DrozdovskiIrina Drozdovski
20:15 22 Jan 24
Vladimir R.Vladimir R.
14:33 13 Jan 24
Andjela VujanovicAndjela Vujanovic
11:21 13 Sep 23
Djordje PavkovicDjordje Pavkovic
09:51 10 Sep 23
Absolutely wonderful! Value for money. If you want to rent a boat in Belgrade look no further! Milan the skipper is a true gentleman, nice, polite and very knowledgeable of Belgrade rivers. He is very flexible and always willing to go the extra mile. He made our cruise very enjoyable. I strongly recommend Milan and his boats.
Kate KKate K
10:50 07 Sep 23
The trip was wonderful. Thanks a lot, your job is top notch!
Irina DrozdovskiIrina Drozdovski
20:15 22 Jan 24
Vladimir R.Vladimir R.
14:33 13 Jan 24
Milica JeremicMilica Jeremic
10:08 21 Sep 23
Савршена услуга, лак и професионалан аранжман и лепе успомене на диван дан на Но стресс катамарану. Београд од река, баш онако како и доликује – без стреса! Свака препорука!
Andjela VujanovicAndjela Vujanovic
11:21 13 Sep 23
Isidora NiciforovicIsidora Niciforovic
17:00 10 Sep 23
Лепо смо се провели и уживали. Скипер Милан је веома пријатан, ненаметљив, осећали смо се као да га познајемо цео живот и као да смо пријатељи. Захваљујемо му што нам је помогао да схватимо наше изненађење.
Djordje PavkovicDjordje Pavkovic
09:51 10 Sep 23
Апсолутно дивно! Вредност за новац. Ако желите да изнајмите чамац у Београду, не тражите даље! Милан скипер је прави џентлмен, фин, љубазан и веома познавалац београдских река. Веома је флексибилан и увек спреман да иде даље. Учинио је наше крстарење веома пријатним. Топло препоручујем Милана и његове бродове.
Natasa PetrovicNatasa Petrovic
19:16 09 Sep 23
Данас смо користили брод Зет... Професионална услуга од првог контакта, као и током пловидбе. Чистоћа на завидном нивоу.. Уживали смо у сваком тренутку. Незаборавно искуство, за сваку препоруку
Sladjana DjordjevicSladjana Djordjevic
09:18 27 Aug 23
Изузетно лака и пријатна комуникација, скипер Павле за сваку препоруку у сваком смислу. Уживали смо!
Pavle BerakPavle Berak
17:31 29 Jul 23
Организатори су веома љубазни, капитен је легенда. Одличан начин да проведете дан

Boat rental for special occasions

In just a few steps, the boat can be yours for a specific occasion, at the most affordable price. The choice is yours!

Our partners

MG concierge service
Saruna wellness
SavaSava Concept
Go2 Serbia
Bora kuce na reci
Splav na dan
4me sailing logo blue
airport vojka big logo
MG concierge service
Saruna wellness
SavaSava Concept
Go2 Serbia
Bora kuce na reci
Splav na dan
4me sailing logo blue
airport vojka big logo
MG concierge service
Saruna wellness
SavaSava Concept
Go2 Serbia
Bora kuce na reci
Splav na dan
4me sailing logo blue
airport vojka big logo


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